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He also states that he personally is “going to” get the vaccine. However, he supposedly already had gotten the shot in the following video. So does this mean that the shot he got was a fake?
Did Dr. Oz Get A Fake Vaccine Shot?
Edit/Update: In this video he was getting the seasonal flu shot, not a swine flu shot.
New York Nurses Protest Mandatory Vaccinations
One in three nurses ‘do not want swine flu vaccine’
Owen Bowcott
The Guardian, Tuesday 18 August 2009Almost a third of nurses will refuse the offer of immunisation against swine flu because they have fears about the vaccine’s safety, according to a new survey.
Military personnel who are forced to take the vaccine are in an especially bad situation because if the vaccine cripples them the government will not pay for their treatment.
VA won’t pay benefits to Marine whose injuries came from vaccine
By David Goldstein, McClatchy Newspapers – Sun Aug 30, 6:00 am ET
WASHINGTON — It wasn’t a bullet or roadside bomb that felled Lance Cpl. Josef Lopez three years ago after nine days in Iraq .
It was an injection into his arm before his unit left the states.
The then 20-year-old Marine from Springfield, Mo. , suffered a rare adverse reaction to the smallpox vaccine. While the vaccine isn’t mandatory, the military strongly encourages troops to take it.
However, it left Lopez in a coma, unable for a time to breathe on his own and paralyzed for weeks. Now he can walk, but with a limp. He has to wear a urine bag constantly, has short-term memory loss and must swallow 15 pills daily to control leg spasms and other ailments.
And even though his medical problems wouldn’t have occurred if he hadn’t been deployed, Lopez doesn’t qualify for a special government benefit of as much as $100,000 for troops who suffer traumatic injuries.
The hangup? His injuries were caused by the vaccine.
“I could have easily died, or not been able to walk because of that,” Lopez said. “It destroyed my world. It was pretty traumatic to me.”
Former Lieutenant Colonel Sues Florida Over Forced Vaccination Policy
SANTA ROSA – Follow up to a story we told you about last week.
A Navarre woman, who is fighting a vaccination law, had a court hearing in Milton Thursday afternoon.
Carmen Reynolds is suing Florida’s governor, attorney general and surgeon general. She is fighting a law that says if there’s a severe public danger, the state can force people to be vaccinated. The law makes no exceptions for health conditions or religious objections. The only alternative is quarantine. The statute says law enforcement officers can be called in if necessary. The attorney general’s office has filed a motion to dismiss, saying that Reynolds hasn’t been directly affected by the law.
Carmen Reynolds: “I served my country for 22 years not to be told that I am a criminal, a 2nd degree misdemeanor offender because I raised my hand and said this isn’t right. I don’t want toxins in my body because it jeopardizes my health.”
H1N1 Was Created In Labs In The US
How Mercury In Vaccines Kills Nerves And Causes Brain Damage
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Just noting that the flu shot Dr. Oz got on his show was a seasonal flu shot, not the H1N1 shot
Thanks very much for pointing that out, I’ve updated the post.
Grany son deaf after getting H1N1.He is 11 years
The only thing Oz is getting is a fat paycheck. Note at 6:38 the pharmacist conceals the injection site so you can’t see the needle actually penetrate the skin. Same goes for the video that has a Dr. Ashton getting a shot on air. (‘just get your damn vaccine’)
Yet in other news reports showing the general public getting vaccinated, the vaccine administer openly jabs the person, often without the need of their other hand. Some examples of this:
Nearly 8,000 H1N1 vaccine doses arrive 0:53
Daniel (H1N1 Vaccination) RAW 2:00
H1N1 Shots Given At Portland’s First Clinic 0:57 & 1:18